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 Coping With Infertility

Naturally, it is difficult to realize that getting pregnant is not going to be as easy as you always imagined it would be. Infertility is challenging. It's important to remember that you're not alone and there is help available.. Emotional counseling and help coping with infertility is available at our centre.


Coping with the emotional challenges of infertility can be difficult for couples. Infertility can create feelings of anxiety, sadness, self-doubt, anger, resentment, and helplessness. Infertility can affect many aspects of life, including friendships, work, and even your primary relationship.

Making the infertility treatment decision can be stressful when couples agree. If you and your partner are not on the same page or timetable, the impact of differences can feel overwhelming. How can you resolve your differences and reach an agreement? Here are some suggestions from the fertility expert psychologists.


Couples consist of two individuals with different personalities and coping styles. It is not surprising that each person may feel and express themselves differently since the family backgrounds and life experiences are not the same. Each person has different priorities, needs, and timeline. It is important to be realistic about the possibility that you will experience some disagreement and tension around these important decisions. Just because you disagree now, does not mean you will always disagree. Remind yourself that this is a process and that couples ultimately find common ground.

Women tend to talk and express their feelings and look for support from significant others. Men, on the other hand, tend to be less inclined to share their innermost feelings, while using a more logical approach to problem-solving. While these differences may lead one partner to feel the other is uncaring or overreacting.


It is important to know that infertility is common. One out of every 8 couples is infertile. Upon evaluation, 30% will discover a female factor, 30% a male factor, 30% will find a contribution from both partners, and 10% will have unknown causes for their infertility(unexplained infertility).

One or both members of a couple may hesitate to move forward with a fertility evaluation due to a fear that she or he is responsible for their infertility. One or the other person may be anxious about what they are going to find. For many people, even acknowledging that there might be a problem is overwhelming and scary. Acknowledging that you are in this together can defuse the issue of blame and enable a couple to move forward. And, each person can certainly take responsibility for how he or she will handle the challenge.


Information gathering is the first step in making any thoughtful, educated decision. When it comes to infertility treatment, this can be done through reading, attending workshops, consultation with professionals, and talking to other couples who have faced similar challenges.

Becoming well informed should help you to make decisions and advocate for yourselves. However, you may consider seeking professional help if you and your partner remain "stuck" or if the tension between you is causing additional stress. A mental health professional can help you improve your communication skills and understand your attitudes and feelings, so that you can ultimately reach important decisions together.


Friends and relatives provide emotional support for couples dealing with infertility!

If you have a friend or relative who is challenged by infertility, considering or already in treatment, following these suggestions is likely to be received as helpful infertility support:

Don't minimize infertility by mentioning the hassles of parenting or say there are worse things that could happen. Coping with infertility is painful and only those experiencing it understand how difficult it can be. Don't tell a couple challenged by infertility to "relax" and if they are meant to become pregnant, it will happen. While stress often appears to be a contributor to infertility, the human reproductive system is complex and affected by a number of biological and physical factors. Women under 34 years of age who have tried unsuccessfully to conceive for a year need to consult a fertility specialist for an evaluation and information about their options. If a woman is 35 years or older, she should consult a fertility specialist after trying for 6 months to become pregnant without success 39 or older, after 3 months of trying.

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